The Bristol Avon Catchment Partnership (BACP) Steering Group brings together over 16 different organisations and charities to collaborate on a quarterly basis each year. The Steering Group provides overall direction for the BACP and guides the actions of the BACP team.
Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART)
BART is the Partnership's charitable co-host. BART delivers advice for land and river management, river restoration work and a comprehensive education and engagement programme of work across the Bristol Avon catchment. BART aims to reconnect communities to their local rivers and help them to better appreciate and improve them for the benefit of people and wildlife. BART also aims to conserve and enhance the status of the waterbodies in the Bristol Avon Catchment for current and future generations. BART is part of The Rivers Trust movement. BART is a leading voice for positive change and influence for the water environment within the catchment.
Wessex Water serves over 2.9 million customers across the southwest of England providing drinking water and sewage treatment, Wessex Water is committed to tackling the climate emergency, and to building a sustainable future with the support of customers, communities, employees, and stakeholders. Their work is represented in their four values; being honest and ethical in the way they conduct business, treating the community and environment with respect, valuing everyone’s contribution, and innovating a long-term business plan.
Wessex Water co-hosts the BACP, funding the roles of Independent Chair, Catchment Coordinator, Catchment Officer, and Environmental Administrative Apprentice.
Bristol Water supplies 1.2 million people in Bristol and the surrounding areas with water. They work in close collaboration with local communities & local businesses across the region and fulfil “a role well beyond the basic provision of water”, building on these relationships to have a positive impact on customers, communities, stakeholders, and the environmentinclude making bills more affordable, improving customer experience, and participating in partnership working, amongst more.
Natural England is an executive non-departmental public body part of the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Their remit includes the freshwater and marine environment and providing steer and support to the development of local and national strategies and planning decisions. They are responsible for things such as ancient woodland, SSSIs and protected sites, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, along with enforcing associated regulations. They currently have the vision of “Thriving Nature for people and planet” with the mission of building partnerships for Nature’s recovery.
Environment Agency (EA)
Environment Agency is an executive non-departmental public body part of the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Within England the EA are responsible for: regulating major industry and waste; treatment of contaminated land; water quality and resources; fisheries; inland river, estuary and harbour navigations; and conservation and ecology. They are also responsible for managing the risk of flooding from main rivers, reservoirs, estuaries and the sea.
The EA resources a Catchment Coordinator for the Bristol Avon Catchment who acts as a single point of contact to help partners join-up more effectively with the wider EA organisation. This Catchment Coordinator works in alignment with the BACP core team.
Local Authorities
- Wiltshire Council
- South Gloucestershire Council
- Bristol City Council
- North Somerset Council
- Bath & North East Somerset Council (BaNES)
- Somerset Council
The River Avon flows directly through Bath and Bristol, two major cities, coexisting with a large and increasing population. With Bristol City Council and BaNES engaging with the partnership, more can be done to better understand the river’s relationship with people and what can be done to enhance the waterscape for the wildlife, environment, and communities that live alongside it. Within the rest of the catchment are South Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, and North Somerset councils, expanding this understanding across the catchment. They regularly contribute to the Catchment Partnership Fund.
Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group South West (FWAG SW)
FWAG SW provides aims to promote and enhance the conservation of wildlife, the environment and the landscape in relation to modern agricultural needs. They provide an advisory service to farmers and landowners across the South West, working alongside them to improve biodiversity, protect the soil & landscape, and deliver wildlife conservation, whilst supporting farm businesses through support understanding policy & regulation and environmental initiatives they can access. FWAG SW is part of the National FWAG Association, an umbrella organisation joining together to help influence government policy relating to farmland environmental conservation.
National Farmers Union (NFU)
The National Farmers Union represents more than 46,000 farming and growing businesses in England and Wales. Farming practices have a significant influence on the water environment, the NFU engages with the partnership to help enhance communications and share resources to support farmers and landowners to deliver sustainable agricultural methods and practices within the catchment.
With over 17,000 members, the Avon Wildlife Trust is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the natural environment across the West of England. The Avon Wildlife Trust manages a range of environments, such as salt marshes, reedbeds, wildflower meadows, and ancient woodlands, as well as 12 Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Avon Wildlife Trust is part of the National Wildlife Trust movement.
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust has over 23,000 members. Wiltshire Wildlife Trust is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the natural environment across Wiltshire They manage over 40 nature reserves across Wiltshire and Swindon, which include wetlands, woodlands, meadows, and chalk downlands. Wiltshire Wildlife Trust’s vision is for all communities and generations to be connected with the natural environment and empower them to take meaningful and positive actions for nature and the climate. Wiltshire Wildlife Trust is part of the National Wildlife Trust movement.
West of England Rural Network (WERN)
WERN aims to improve the health and wellbeing of rural communities throughout the West of England. Rivers are fundamental for the welfare of the wildlife and people that live around them, so are central to WERN’s aims and vision, which include supporting community-led action and strong local governance, increasing the long-term sustainability of local community life, improving the health and wellbeing of people in rural communities, and influencing policy and delivery of local services.
West of England Combined Authority (WECA)
The West of England Combined Authority, formed in 2017, aims to deliver economic growth for the people of Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, and South Gloucestershire; addressing the challenges faced, such as productivity & skills, housing, transport, and the environment. WECA is committed to tackling the climate and ecological emergency, pledging to make the region net zero by 2030. They currently contribute by hosting the Bee Bold Awards, carrying out free carbon surveys for enterprises to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs, and managing the Community Pollinator Fund, amongst more.
The BACP is closely aligned with following partnerships in the catchment:
West of England Nature Partnership (WENP)
Agricultural Group
The BACP and West of England Nature Partnership (WENP) co-host the Agricultural Group for the catchment. This brings together the following organisations:
Country Land and Business Association (CLA)
Mendip Hills – Area of Outstanding Beauty (AONB)
The following Steering Group members also sit on the Agricultural Group:
Environment Agency
FWAG South West
Bristol Avon Rivers Trust
The list of partners that the BACP works with is constantly changing, if you have any enquiries about the partners/organisations that we work with please email: